Wheat Pete’s Word, Nov 13: Cool connections, patience, bushel weights, P in manure, and soil pH


A low soil pH just needs some lime and is good to go — right? Not necessarily so, explains Peter “Wheat Pete” Johnson in this latest episode of Wheat Pete’s Word.

Correcting low soil pH can be very difficult and expensive if the soil in question has plenty of buffering capacity, plus the pH problem may only occur in one depth of soil. That’s just one of the topics covered in this podcast; check out the summary below the player for more and for the links mentioned in the audio!

Have a question you’d like Wheat Pete to address or some field results to send in? Agree/disagree with something he’s said? Leave him a message at 1-888-746-3311, send him a tweet (@wheatpete), or email him at [email protected].


  • Dr. Dave Hooker is at meetings talking about the value of wheat! He’ll be on the November 25 episode of The Agronomists, at 8 pm E here
  • Winter wheat seeding dates and rates in Finland? Wow
  • Questions from South America
  • Maps give you data but not an answer of the why. Need the agronomist on the ground
  • Cool connections!
  • Late planted beans still turned out OK
  • The difference of a month for corn? 90 bushels per acre!
  • Fungicide strips: tar spot cost 30 bu/ac
  • Patience and drainage pays
  • Broadcast wheat looking really good
  • Why doesn’t that work?
  • Bushel weights and math doesn’t always match. Seed size and air space matter!
  • Want to geek out? Check out the calculator here
  • Early tie-up of N with cover crops
  • Phosphorus in manure. It’s a legacy product. And it’s not the same as per cent P
  • Low soil pH is further complicated by organic matter levels and buffering capacity (some soils will be very difficult to adjust
  • Gypsum decisions: no. Use roots!
  • Low pH in the first few inches is a challenge for sure
  • Minnesota work on pH and liming is here
  • Make sure it’s manganese deficient not N and S


Other Episodes

Wheat Pete's Word (view all) Season 10 (2024) Episode 5


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