Darcy Pawlik sets out next priorities for the Wheat Growers Association


There’s no shortage of challenges facing Canadian grain producers — seemingly constant railway disruptions, regulatory hurdles, and plant breeding holdups all impact producers’ bottom line.

Darcy Pawlik is the new executive director of the Wheat Growers Association, and all these challenges are on the docket when it comes to outlining where the organization plans to focus in the coming months and years.

Darcy Pawlik (Source: Wheat Growers website)

The Wheat Growers, long known for their support of open markets and free trade, are still committed to the underlying premise of transparency, Pawlik says. The organization’s new strategic plan will focus on building productivity and the competitiveness of the sector.

Pawlik is looking forward to moving ahead on the key priorities that the board sets out, and is open to building and expanding the membership in the months ahead.


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