The Agronomists, Ep 177: Killing waterhemp, kochia and other nasty weeds with Bob Hartzler and Dr. Breanne Tidemann


Multi-herbicide resistant weeds have been found in several Canadian and U.S. regions and the amount of ground they cover expands every year. On the list of worst offenders: kochia, wild oats, waterhemp, and Canada fleabane.

Herbicides will continue to play a dominant role in weed control, but which herbicides, what type, and when is a more complex answer when dealing with resistant weeds. Plus, all weed control works better in conjunction with cultural controls, such as diverse seeding dates, narrower rows, higher seeding rates, and more.

To dissect troublesome weeds, and to talk about non-traditional weed control such as seed destruction, this episode of The Agronomists features professor emeritus of Iowa State, Bob Hartzler, and research scientist with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Dr. Breanne Tidemann.

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