Wheat Pete’s Word, Dec 18: Winter road safety, slugs and covers, ROI on N, and lethal temps for wheat


What’s the difference between a natural system and a farming system? The harvest, of course! Does that mean we can go “back to nature”? Oh, what a great question, and one that Peter “Wheat Pete” Johnson tackles on this final episode of the 2024 calendar year.

In this week’s podcast also hear about using cover crops to deter slugs, why adding N isn’t always a slam dunk on ROI, and just how cold it can get before winter wheat dies.

On behalf of Pete and the team here at RealAgriculture — Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and see (hear?) you in the New Year!

Have a question you’d like Wheat Pete to address or some field results to send in? Agree/disagree with something he’s said? Leave him a message at 1-888-746-3311, send him a tweet (@wheatpete), or email him at [email protected].


  • Happy birthday, Al!
  • Get your calendar updated — this is the last Word for 2024! See you in 2025!
  • Thank you to all who listen, email, call, and tweet
  • Stress is real. Use your Wheat Pete’s 15 and check in on each other
  • Canadian musical talent is top notch. The McMaster family has fun!
  • The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. Be an optimist
  • Say good morning to the sun
  • Remember: a person passing has the right-of-way. Watch those left turns
  • Gravity wagons and winter driving — think twice, act once. Focus on safety
  • Cover crop timing and slugs
  • Tremendous rainfall in Minnesota in May and June with nitrogen upfront. Does adding more N make cents? (see what I did there)
  • Oh, man, imagine a 10-year crop rotation to get away from a root rot disease
  • -13 to -18 for a few nights, saturated soil, what about the wheat crop?
  • LT50 of different wheat varieties, worst was -12, best -19
  • Too early to frost seed
  • Back to nature. Is nature better? Nature is brutal but beautiful. “Natural” doesn’t remove a harvest. Can we replicate some of the good and minimize the bad? But remember, we’re taking a harvest

Other Episodes

Wheat Pete's Word (view all) Season 10 (2024) Episode 1


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