Pulse growers looking for control of grassy and broadleaf weeds will have new options from Syngenta Canada. The first is Nelatic pulse herbicide, a pre-mix formula that combines imazamox and bentazon for systemic and contact control of grasses and broadleaf weeds found in Western Canada field peas. Nelatic offers built-in resistance management support with two… Read More

Trimble has announced the launch of a voluntary carbon marketplace to connect farmers with buyers seeking emissions reductions and removals. By connecting stakeholders and aggregating verifiable data, the company says the new exchange will enable participation in carbon markets and sustainability programs that were previously too time-consuming or complex. “Farmers have long struggled to comprehensively… Read More

Alberta’s government has committed $700,000 over five years, starting with 2023-24, to continue the Carnivores and Communities Program (CACP). The Waterton Biosphere Reserve Association has worked to promote peaceful coexistence between humans and wildlife in the Waterton Biosphere Region through CACP to decrease the frequency of human and livestock contact with growing grizzly bear, black… Read More

Every market functions under supply and demand. To varying degrees, as demand increases, so do prices — if supply stays the same. If supply stays the same or grows but demand drops off, prices fall. It’s a simplified explanation and in the real world several factors play into the total demand, total supply, and the… Read More

The union representing more than 400 employees who work for Viterra in Saskatchewan served 72-hour strike notice to the grain company on January 2. Representatives from Viterra and the Grain and General Services Union (GSU) are planning to meet with a federally-appointed mediator on January 3 and 4. “If significant progress is not made during… Read More

The market doesn’t care about your feelings. It’s a hard truth but a good one to remember when hesitating on pricing some crop or booking inputs. Why? Well, as Brian Voth of IntelliFarm explains, farmers can be comfortable paying higher prices for fertilizer to ensure they have it on-farm, but hesitate to lock in a… Read More