Farms and ranches cannot operate without water. While having access to water seems like it should be quite straight forward, navigating government framework around access to water might not be.
Team Alberta Crops and the Intensive Livestock Working Group in Alberta have been working to ensure that the provincial government had the opportunity to hear the voices of farmers around the province regarding the water framework and the potential opening of the Water Act.
This effort took place during the Alberta government’s Water Availability Engagement consultation period, which concluded January 24, says Nevin Rosaasen, sustainability and government relations lead with Alberta Pulse Growers in this interview at Crossroads Crop Conference in Edmonton, Alta.
Surface water management of ephemeral water bodies and small potholes, as well as surface water drainage with practices such as tiling, represent some of the ongoing concerns for agricultural producers, says Rosaasen. Concerns around permitting for dugouts and obtaining the authorization to fill them are also key issues, he says.
“They’re looking for input into a new water framework and strategy. And so now is the opportunity to make sure we have our ducks in a row.”
Rosaasen and RealAgriculture’s Amber Bell also discuss potential tariffs and what the implications of a change in federal leadership could look like in the interview below.
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