While using winter wheat for grazing doesn’t exactly excite host Peter Johnson, he dedicates a little time to the subject today, along with all sorts of questions around sulfur, a bit on glyphosate resistant fleabane in straw, and a mention of barley yellow dwarf virus. Find a summary of today’s show topics and times below… Read More

Can we grow world-record-breaking wheat here in Ontario? The answer from most will be a resounding NO!, but don’t give in so quickly. The world record set by Eric Watson of New Zealand stands at 249.7 bu/ac. In 2016, a well-calibrated yield monitor in Ontario touched 240 bu/ac in the best area of a great… Read More

Canada’s regulator for crop protection products is facing a growing stack of re-evaluations for existing pesticide ingredients. There are several hundred active ingredients due for review by Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) in the next decade. CropLife Canada — the organization that represents manufacturers of some of these products — has several concerns… Read More

In today’s episode of Wheat Pete’s Word, host and resident agronomist for RealAgriculture, Peter Johnson, catches up on topics ranging from nitrogen application timing to cereal rye before corn. Find a summary of today’s show topics and times below the audio. Have a question you’d like Johnson to address? Or some yield results to send… Read More