It’s World Soil Day. December 5, the international day to celebrate soil, was first recommended by the International Union of Soil Sciences in 2002. This year, the theme is ‘Caring for soils: measure, monitor, manage.’ With over 95 per cent of our food coming from the soil and soil supplying 15 of the 18 naturally… Read More

No two pieces of land are the same. Geringhoff had this in mind when they designed the XtremeFlex Razor (XFR) Draper Head. As Lucas Haas of Geringhoff says in this interview from Agri-Trade at Red Deer, the XFR Draper Head was engineered in Germany with the North American market in mind. The head works on… Read More

There is no denying that access to a rough terrain vehicle (RTV) is a huge advantage when getting things done on the farm. Whether a producer is repairing fences, transporting mineral, or moving equipment between outbuildings, these workhorses have the potential to make life just that much easier. Farm work is exactly where the design… Read More

With herbicide resistance on the rise, the need for more tools in the toolbox is higher than it has ever been, because as Dr. Breanne Tidemann of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada says, there are no magic bullets. While any single management strategy is unlikely to be the final solution to herbicide resistance and weeds generally,… Read More