There are several considerations when deciding to try cover crops to maximum potential, and there are likely equally plentiful considerations to termination when the time comes. While there are a few mainstream ways to terminate a cover crop, Farming Smarter at Lethbridge, Alta., is looking at using a roller crimper to do the job. The… Read More

Research is valuable on both sides of the border — and we can learn a lot from each other through trials that have already been conducted. One of these ongoing trials taking place south of the border is looking at the legacy of manure, in southern Idaho. Southern Idaho happens to have a lot in… Read More

When it comes to seed-placed fertilizer, canola can be quite sensitive. According to Shawn Senko of the Canola Council of Canada (CCC), for the most part the only nutrient you need in-furrow with the canola seed is phosphorus, as it has an early season uptake and doesn’t move very far. There are published seed safety… Read More