The Potato Growers of Alberta (PGA) has released what it’s calling a landmark study on the economic impact the potato industry in the province. The report outlines the significant growth of Alberta’s potato industry in recent years, and documents its economic impact. The study — completed by Serecon Inc. and Nichols Applied Management — estimated… Read More
Author: Kara Oosterhuis
The Successors is a RealAgriculture podcast series hosted by Kara Oosterhuis focusing on agriculture from the perspective of the up-and-coming generation. What does it take to change the original venture of your business? Why is it important to keep an open mind, even if you think you have everything planned out? And how do you… Read More
To till or not to till? It’s an ongoing conversation in areas where water is controlled through irrigation or risk of soil erosion is high. Carlo Van Herk, research technician with Farming Smarter, says strip tillage ahead of a canola crop could be the answer, as it creates a happy medium between soil water conservation… Read More
There are several considerations when deciding to try cover crops to maximum potential, and there are likely equally plentiful considerations to termination when the time comes. While there are a few mainstream ways to terminate a cover crop, Farming Smarter at Lethbridge, Alta., is looking at using a roller crimper to do the job. The… Read More
Bertha armyworm isn’t necessarily an insect pest the Prairies have had huge amounts of trouble with over the last few years. Which is exactly why it may be our turn for an “on” cycle, says Keith Gabert of the Canola Council of Canada. If there are bertha armyworm in the field, it’s important to get… Read More
Research is valuable on both sides of the border — and we can learn a lot from each other through trials that have already been conducted. One of these ongoing trials taking place south of the border is looking at the legacy of manure, in southern Idaho. Southern Idaho happens to have a lot in… Read More
There’s plenty to learn from early scouting trips across the field, including seed survival, seeding depth, and evaluating the effectiveness of inputs so far. One of those key early inputs includes a seed treatment, and one of the most common uses for insecticidal seed treatments on canola is to fight flea beetles. Because feeding on… Read More
There are a few different scenarios to look at when it comes to deciding whether or not to spray a fungicide on wheat. Jeremy Boychyn, agronomy research extension manager with the Alberta Wheat and Barley Commissions, says there are four key times that producers are either already going over the field, or there is potential… Read More
When you imagine rice production, chances are you picture growth outside of North America and not in Southern Alberta. When Michele Konschuh of the University of Lethbridge approached Farming Smarter about examining the potential for rice to be a value-added crop in this region, they jumped on the opportunity to give it a try. With… Read More
When it comes to seed-placed fertilizer, canola can be quite sensitive. According to Shawn Senko of the Canola Council of Canada (CCC), for the most part the only nutrient you need in-furrow with the canola seed is phosphorus, as it has an early season uptake and doesn’t move very far. There are published seed safety… Read More