With producers keeping a close eye on the Canadian Pacific (CP) railway, the company recently shared that during last month (October) it broke an all-time record for the shipment of grain, moving 2.64 million metric tonnes (MMT) of Canadian grain and grain products. This broke the last record held for September 2017. In a news release,… Read More

Over the weekend, the Canadian Agriculture Hall of Fame Association (CAHFA) inducted five accomplished agricultural leaders. The event was held on Sunday, November 4th, in conjunction with the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair at Toronto, Ont. The five inductees include: Ted Bilyea, Peter Dhillon, Wilf Keller, Larry Martin, and the Honourable Gerry Ritz. To read more about what… Read More

With the announcement of the carbon tax program implemented in provinces without a nationally accredited carbon tax policy, people in two of the three prairie provinces have flipped their vote to support the federal government’s plan. According to a recent poll conducted by the Angus Reid Institute, the public’s perception in Alberta and Saskatchewan of… Read More

Each November on Show Your 4-H Colours Day, 4-H’ers from across the country don their 4-H colours, get out into their communities, post to social media, do acts of kindness, and share their enthusiasm for everything 4-H. This year, National 4-H Day falls on  November 7, 2018. You can expect to see 4-H Canada and… Read More

Sometimes the work of producer commissions isn’t easily visible, even to the farmers that pay the check-off. Certainly, to a group of university students, commissions can seem like an entirely different world. Geoff Backman is the manager of business development and markets with the Alberta Wheat and Barley Commissions (AWBC). He studied at the University… Read More