Perceptions can be tough to overcome, especially when seeing is believing. A farmer from South Australia, John Gladigau, had some urban dwellers come visit the farm recently, and 4-year old Arcadia went for a tractor ride. Soon, she asked, “Why is it that adult girls don’t get to drive tractors and adult boys do?” Gladigau… Read More

Olds College is receiving just over $21 million from the Alberta government for capital upgrades to animal health and ag-tech education facilities. The funding announced Friday will allow for expansion and revitalization of the Lachlin McKinnon Building into a new Animal Health Education Centre. This project is receiving $15.16 million from the province. The other… Read More

Canada and the U.S. share a border, have integrated trade systems, and similar crop mixes. The similarities don’t end there, either. Both Canada and the U.S. are dealing with trade disruption across several commodities, and are suffering from COVID-19 related shutdowns. There are differences, too, of course, and in this RealAg LIVE! Shaun Haney is… Read More

By Ghislain Gervais, president of Sollio Cooperative Group During the lockdown, Canadians showed a renewed interest in Canadian agricultural products. This increased consumer enthusiasm for their agri-food sector provides an opportunity to reinvest in agriculture and food processing. Everywhere, thousands of jobs have been suspended or lost across many sectors. The gradual resumption of economic… Read More

Agriculture in the Classroom Canada and its ten provincial member organizations provided agriculture education programming for over 2.1 million students across Canada in 2019, according the organization’s annual impact report shared during AITC’s annual general meeting last week. “It was a monumental year for Ag in the Classroom Canada (AITC-C) with our student reach up… Read More

In the interest of the safety and well-being of Canadian Young Speakers for Agriculture (CYSA) participants, family members, and CYSA volunteers, CYSA has canceled the 2020 public speaking competition due to concerns over the spread of coronavirus and potential challenges of inter-provincial travel. Canadian Young Speakers for Agriculture is a national, bilingual competition that provides… Read More

The Canadian Agri-Business Education Foundation has announced the 2020 recipients of the CABEF Pathways to Agri-Food Scholarships. The scholarship is funded through donations from the Canadian agriculture industry. CABEF’s purpose is to advance education and “encourage excellence in agriculture industry for the benefit of the public,” according to the organization. The scholarships are intended to… Read More