Ag in the Classroom Canada has launched a national campaign aimed at inspiring young people to consider a career in agriculture. The “I AM AG” campaign was launched at the Royal Agricultural Fair in Toronto on Wednesday, as part of Career Month in Canada. The interactive social media campaign is designed to engage people who… Read More

Agriculture in the Classroom Canada (AITC-C) has named Mathieu Rouleau as executive director effective today, November 6. No stranger to the organization, Rouleau co-founded École-O-Champ, a non-profit organization dedicated to agricultural education and AITC-C’s member organization in Quebec. In his new role with AITC-C, Rouleau will focus on implementing a new three-year strategic plan and… Read More

Hannah Stamp of Vauxhall, Alta., and Sarah MacDonald of Vanderhoof, B.C., have been selected as the Outstanding Young Farmers Memorial Scholarship winners for 2023. Each winner receives a $1,000 scholarship to support their post-secondary agricultural education. The award includes two annual scholarships — one to an individual who has completed at least one year of… Read More

Farm Credit Canada (FCC) has announced a three-year extension of its sponsorship of the Ottawa Smart Farm. The partnership with Area X.O, the research and development complex for next-gen smart mobility, autonomy and connectivity and home of the Ottawa Smart Farm, is designed to accelerate agri-tech innovation, adoption, and impact on farmers, Canada’s agricultural sector, and… Read More

Egg Farmers of Manitoba has pledged $75,000 over three years to support Agriculture in the Classroom-Manitoba and its mission of agriculture education. The multi-year funding will go toward expanding ag education programs in Manitoba and sending more learning resources to educators so K-12 students can understand where their food comes from and who produces it…. Read More

John Jamieson has announced his departure from the Canadian Centre for Food Integrity (CCFI), effective the end of September, after serving as president and CEO since 2019. The organization says that Jamieson’s extensive network and expertise within the industry have been instrumental in driving positive change.   In the four years with CCFI, Jamieson helped… Read More

Farm Management Canada has opened nominations for an award that was established over twenty years ago to honour those that have made an extraordinary contribution to developing and promoting new and positive change in agricultural business management practices and expertise in Canada. Individuals or groups can be nominated for the 2023 Wilson Loree Award, if… Read More

Four Canadian researchers have been paired with mentors in the industry through the Beef Cattle Research Council’s (BCRC) Beef Researcher Mentorship Program. The program links new researchers with two mentors working in relevant areas of the Canadian beef industry. Part of the mentorship award also includes a travel budget to attend industry events and actively… Read More