The Ottawa Valley Seed Growers Association is offering up to four $2,500 scholarships to recognize interest, knowledge and achievement in the Ottawa Valley and surrounding agricultural community. The scholarships are available to youth of eastern Ontario and western Quebec enrolled in at least the second year of studies at any post-secondary college or university, and planning… Read More

When the school year wraps in June, so too will Michele Rogalsky’s time as director of the University of Manitoba’s School of Agriculture. “I have enjoyed serving in this capacity and am looking forward to retirement,” she says in an email, announcing her retirement. “This position provides many  opportunities to shape ag education and training… Read More

The Agriculture Demonstration of Practices and Technologies (ADOPT) program has received a $885,000 boost from the Governments of Canada and Saskatchewan, which will be put towards 43 projects the program is spearheading. The program looks to develop, evaluate, and demonstrate new agriculture practices and technologies and the ones that are proven to be successful, are then… Read More

In February, the seed industry participated in a three-day Seed Summit over the course of three Mondays. The summit brought together the entire value chain to discuss and answer some questions that have been top of mind between seed sellers and buyers, including what it means to meet the needs of producers. RealAgriculture founder and… Read More

A large part of farm succession planning is information sharing between the generations, something Canadian Western Agribition’s (CWA) Next Gen Agriculture Mentorship Program is looking to replicate. The program is now in it’s fourth year and has recently announced this year’s group of mentors and mentees for Saskatchewan. The 18-month mentorship focuses on developing numerous… Read More

To kick off this year’s Canadian Agriculture Literacy Month (CALM), Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Marie-Claude Bibeau has announced $415,000 in support for Agriculture in the Classroom Canada (AITC-C). CALM, celebrated annually in March, encourages students to learn about and celebrate Canada’s incredible agriculture and food story. In celebration of CALM, AITC-C is hosting… Read More