In case you were not aware, Alan Oberg was not the CEO of the Canadian Wheat Board.the actual CEO is Ian White, a very repected intelligent senior executive from Australia. By all accounts Mr. White should not be judged by the recent actions of Alan Oberg and the group of eight. I have heard from… Read More

After an extremely hard fought battle on how Western Canadian farmers should be able to market their  own wheat the single desk is finished.  Royal assent has been given to Bill C18 by the Governor General.  Some people are speculating that this issue will end up in the Supreme Court but for now many Western… Read More

Just when you think that the CWB issue cannot get stranger….it always does.  Interim Liberal leader Bob Rae has written a letter to the Governor General of Canada, David Johnston begging him to get in front of the government steam roller and stop royal assent on Bill C-18 this week. I’m thinking at this point he… Read More

The recent ruling by Justice Douglas Campbell stating that Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz “breached his statutory duty” by proceeding with Bill C-18 before holding a vote among eligible farmers is raising some questions about law vs politics. Judge Campbell’s ruling puts the Canadian justice and political systems at odds and in some murky waters. The… Read More

Today the Harper government voted in the House of Commons to end the CWB’s single desk right on Western Canadian grains. With a vote of 153-120 the Conservatives have come through on the one promise that has been hotly debated in many coffee shops across the country.Today’s vote does not end the controversy but it… Read More

Today’s Canadian corporations are held accountable by their shareholders and a solid corporate governance structure. No doubt one might think the CWB as a corporation is a responsible corporate citizen in Canada. It has a policy to which all its directors sign yearly to uphold standards of governance where fiduciary duties are to work in… Read More

Forget about the fact that the CWB’s SteamRoller campaign cost $1.4 million from the POOL account, forget about the fact it won’t stop the Ritz government and forget about the fact most farmers struggle to see the point.  The real problem with tha campaign was brought to my attention while I was in Toronto this… Read More

Earlier this week we spoke to Federal Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz about why he thinks the elimination of the single desk will be beneficial to farmers and why he is so passionate about that position. Not everyone shares the exuberance Minister Ritz has over the new marketing landscape for wheat in Western Canada. One of… Read More

Yesterday I attended a Calgary Chamber of Commerce luncheon. This was not just any ordinary lunch because it was attended by the Calgary ag-business community and they were all there to listen to the Federal Minister of Agriculture, Gerry Ritz.  Mr. Ritz spoke to the group about why he feels so strongly regarding the coming… Read More