With the final steps toward the ending of the single desk coming ever closer, the ante continues to be upped as the current CWB board fights to gain a hearing. The extremely polarizing debate continues to cause deep divisions amongst producers, even more so in what appear to be the final days of the CWB… Read More

The CWB board of directors takes yet another hit with its latest resignation. CWB District 2 Director Jeff Nielsen has made the decision to step down, a decision based primarily on his and what he feels are his constituents opposition to the use of pool funds in fighting the governments decision to eliminate the board… Read More

This week Henry Vos resigned from the Canadian Wheat Board for several reasons.  I talked to him this morning so that he can get his reasons in the open and in the clear.  Whether you agree with Henry’s decision to resign, it is very visible that Henry feels strongly about his reasons and what is… Read More

Yesterday the Federal Conservatives released the new CWB bill which for the first time outlines it’s intentions for the CWB in a non-single desk world.   The Act includes everything from the repeal of the old act to the dissolving of the current Board of Directors including the release of Chairman Alan Oberg.  We discussed this… Read More

If you make a decision you are bound to be criticized.  The Keystone Agricultural Producers (KAP) is under attack from the NFU based on KAP’s decision to not work with the NFU in their defiance of the government’s single desk decision.  In the NFU press release they even state that KAP members digruntled with this… Read More

“Get You Popcorn Ready” — Terrell Owens, when with the Dallas Cowboys With the result of the plebiciste being released on Friday, the next week is going to be very interesting. Based on the results the CWB will have to engage the next step in their campaign to save the single desk in Western Canada…. Read More

The Canadian Wheat Board has been travelling across Western Canada meeting with farm organizations and farmers to discuss the future of the CWB. Well at least thats what the intent was. In reality according to CWB District two Director, Jeff Nielsen the outcome was more of a lobby to grasp on to the single desk… Read More