By Shaun Haney With the Conservatives winning a majority it took very little time for the speculation to begin on how long it will take the Canadian Wheat Board’s single desk responsibilities on wheat to be extinguished.  It was interesting to watch the live discussion on twitter while the election results were being posted on… Read More

Is there anything that the Canadian Wheat Board does or says that does not come with controversy?  This week the Canadian Wheat Board announced that they are purchasing two lake freight ships at the cost of $65 Million dollars.  Much of the criticism came immediately from the Western Barley Growers and the Grain Growers but… Read More

The Canadian Wheat Board election results are in and we didn’t even need a drum roll. The election was quiet before hand and even quieter after the results. Is there anything to take away from this election of the CWB?  Was this election as boring as it seemed and will voter eligibility changes come next?… Read More