Grain Growers of Canada has published a set of policy recommendations for government to support Canada’s grain sector in its “Road to 2050” sustainability inititative. The policy recommendations would see government partner with grain farmers to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, by increasing investment in public and private breeding research, expanding eligibility criteria and funding… Read More

When it comes to nitrous oxide emissions, there are many complex formulas that can be used to determine what is going on in the fields. Abby Sim, field technician at Olds College of Agriculture and Technology, says this is precisely why the Smart Farm at the college decided to look at estimating nitrous oxide emissions…. Read More

Egg Farmers of Canada has announced a commitment to reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. The announcement was made during EFC’s annual meeting in Ottawa this week, where it celebrated the 50th anniversary of the organization and supply management in Canadian egg production. “Stepping up our commitment to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions is a… Read More

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) published its “What We Heard” report on the feedback it received on its 30 per cent fertilizer emissions reduction policy on Wednesday, more than six months after consultations wrapped up. AAFC says it received over 2,000 submissions during the consultation period, which ran from March through August 2022. “Thank you… Read More

For a relatively young crop — with it’s invention originating 60 years ago — there is significant global demand for canola, in many different forms. 90 per cent of the canola we grow here in Canada exported — whether it be for renewable fuels, livestock feed, cooking oil, or more. Jim Everson, of the Canola… Read More

Manitoba Agriculture’s farm management extension team has developed a tool to help farmers determine how efficient they are with fertilizer, from both an economic and environmental perspective. Agriculture Minister Derek Johnson officially launched the fertilizer efficiency calculator tool at Manitoba Ag Days in Brandon. The calculator takes into account soil test results, fertilizer prices, product… Read More

It’s been two years since the federal government first announced its 30 per cent fertilizer emissions reduction target. That means more than 20 percent of the timeframe for farmers, agronomists, fertilizer suppliers, and researchers to work toward meeting the goal by 2030 has already expired. The clock is ticking, but there’s been very little progress… Read More

The Canadian government is launching public consultations on the creation of a “Sustainable Agriculture Strategy,” which it says is intended to provide a coordinated approach to improving the agriculture sector’s environmental performance and sustainability. Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, Marie-Claude Bibeau, spoke at media event to kick off the consultations in Ottawa on Monday. “We… Read More