The Canadian Sheep Federation and the Canadian Cattle Identification Agency (CCIA) recently reached an agreement outlining the roles and responsibilities of each group in delivery of the Canadian Sheep Identification Program (CSIP). As part of the agreement, the per tag fee of $0.23 currently collected to fund the program will increase to $0.59/tag by the… Read More

The number of certified crop advisors (CCAs) in Ontario topped the 600 mark in 2017 and agronomist ranks in the province just keep on growing. At the Ontario Certified Crop Advisor Association annual meeting this week, outgoing CCA board chair Ken Currah reported that organization membership has now reached 655, with 102 more candidates registered… Read More

In order for Canada’s farmers and agriculture industry to adapt and welcome new technology, the rules and regulations governing the industry must be predictable, fair, and enabling. Pierre Petelle, president and CEO of CropLife Canada, says that a predictable and fair regulatory environment means that Canada remains an attractive market for new products, varieties, or… Read More

In a move designed to “streamline decision making and empower the advocacy committees to build consensus and develop policy positions,” the Grain Growers of Canada (GGC) has revamped its structure from a president, vice-president, and executive committee to a chair, vice-chair, and board member organization. Jeff Nielsen, of the Alberta Barley Commission, was elected chair,… Read More

The way farmers pay for new variety development is set to change. The federal government is currently hosting consultation meetings across Canada, gathering information and feedback from the seed  industry, farmers, farm groups, and industry, on which of two royalty options the industry prefers. Executive director of the Canadian Seed Trade Association, Dave Carey, says… Read More

The way farmers support new variety development of most open-pollinated and trait-free crops is set to change. Currently, the federal government is hosting consultation meetings across Canada to garner feedback from farmers, plant breeders, seed companies, and industry on two proposed systems: end point royalty or trailing royalty contracts. The impending change has been a… Read More

Joining four other like-minded grower organizations, Winter Cereals Manitoba Inc (WCMI) is exploring potential amalgamation. WCMI directors Doug Martin and Allan Olinyk have jumped on and joined the farmer-led steering committee consisting of other directors from the Manitoba Corn Growers Association (MCGA), Manitoba Flax Growers Association (MFGA), National Sunflower Association of Canada (NSAC), and the Manitoba… Read More

Ontario Federation of Agriculture president Keith Currie is hoping 2019 will be a prosperous year for farmers in the province. Earlier this week, the Colingwood, Ont., farmer was acclaimed to his third term as leader of the farm lobby organization. A big part of Currie’s success over past year has been his leadership in drafting… Read More