Call me old fashioned, but I’m siding with dairy farmers in the latest attack against supply management. And I hope any farmer who feels the same way will take action and let their elected officials (particularly at the federal level) know how they feel. Over the past couple of weeks, a fight has emerged between… Read More

Canada has officially been asked to join the Trans Pacific Partnership, a trade group of now 11 countries representing 658 million people. Trade deals have been a major focus of Stephen Harper’s government, but as of yet a major trade deal had alluded him. This TPP invitation, then, is a very big deal. Joining the… Read More

Only days ago it was Canada Day; a day to celebrate our country and embrace all things Canadian. Some think of poutine, but I, and the thousands of other dairy and poultry farms, celebrate our truly Canadian supply management system. It’s how I feed my family, how I feed my country and how I help… Read More

This week the George Morris Center released a paper, which discusses the TPP negotiations and the potential impact on supply management.  Al Mussell is the author of the report and he strongly believes that the TPP / supply management discussion is not an all or none scenario. DOWNLOAD THE REPORT Al Mussell believes that Canadian trade negotiators can… Read More

In case you haven’t heard, Canada has finally been accepted into negotiation for membership into the Trans-Pacific Partnership or TPP.  The members of the partnership and those that are negotiating to get in are all looking for access to bigger markets for their products and economic growth. Canada is truly going to be on the… Read More