Manitoba Agriculture Minister Derek Johnson has introduced a bill that would end the province’s single desk marketing system for table potatoes and root vegetables. Bill 12, “The Peak of the Market Reorganization Act,” would transition Peak of the Market from a non-profit regulated marketing agency into an independent company. It would also remove the requirement… Read More
Category: Supply Management
Pierre Lampron has been re-elected to a third term as president of Dairy Farmers of Canada (DFC). An organic dairy farmer from Mauricie, Quebec, Lampron was re-elected during DFC’s annual general meeting, which was held virtually on July 13-14. “I would like to thank dairy farmers for putting their trust in me once again,” he… Read More
The United States has requested and established a dispute settlement panel to review measures regarding Canada’s administration of its dairy tariff rate quota (TRQs) policies, under the new trade agreement USMCA/CUSMA. The U.S. is challenging Canada’s allocation of dairy TRQs — specifically the set-aside of a percentage of each dairy TRQ exclusively for Canadian processors…. Read More
Dairy farmers can check the mailbox soon for directions on how to access the next payment under the Dairy Direct Payment Program. The federal government announced last week that dairy farmers will receive cash payments on the basis of milk quota. The total payouts will equal $468 million in 2020-21, $469 million in 2021-22, and $468 million in 2022-23. In order… Read More
Dairy has become the first issue under the new NAFTA to be challenged with potential enforcement action. As expected, the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) on Wednesday announced it is seeking consultations with Canada regarding the allocation of the dairy tariff rate quotas (TRQs) for market access negotiated in the USMCA. “Canada’s measures violate its commitments… Read More
The U.S. government is preparing to challenge how Canada has implemented its dairy market access under the new North American trade agreement, which took effect on July 1, 2020. U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer could announce the enforcement action as early as Wednesday, December 9, according to a U.S. industry source familiar with the matter…. Read More
The federal government has announced long-promised compensation for the supply-managed poultry and egg sectors, as well as new details and an updated timeline for dairy compensation. Agriculture Minister Marie-Claude Bibeau said $691 million will be directed to the egg, chicken and turkey sectors over the next decade as compensation for market access that was conceded… Read More
The Dairy Farmers of Canada (DFC) is calling on the federal government to keep its promise on compensation for dairy farmers, stemming from international trade deals that allowed for dairy product access into Canada’s supply managed value chain. “When a dairy farmer makes a commitment, his or her word is gold. We hold our government… Read More
Fifty years ago, supply management was formed to “save the family farm” and today, the reason for such a system to exist is becoming less clear to some researchers and analysts. A report was recently released on the future of supply management, titled Supply Management 2.0, A Possible Roadmap for the Canadian Dairy Industry. Dr…. Read More
Those opposed to supply management of dairy in Canada often point to other countries that have moved away from the system as success stories. But delving deeper into some of these systems shows that not all dairy value chains can be compared apples to apples (carton to carton?), but that like it or not, the… Read More