Canada has experienced some economic growth since coming out of COVID, but our pace of growth and productivity is nothing to write home about. J.P. Gervais, chief economist for Farm Credit Canada, says that there is always low hanging fruit when it comes to improving productivity, such as adding efficiency, economies of scale, and producing… Read More

Even the most seasoned of policy analysts, trade negotiators, and industry leaders are feeling the pressure of the last six weeks. On-again, off-again tariffs threatened by the U.S. president are having direct and in-direct impacts on Canada’s economy, with companies pro-actively trying to manage risk by downsizing, cancelling expansion plans, or shuttering all together. But… Read More

Members of the cattle industry from Canada, Mexico, and the U.S. met Monday for a trilateral meeting while in San Antonio for the National Cattleman’s Beef Association’s annual CattleCon. Nathan Phinney, president of the Canadian Cattle Association, and Dennis Laycraft, executive vice president sat down with RealAgriculture’s Lyndsey Smith on location following the meeting to unpack… Read More

While no formal complaint has been filed, dairy industry representatives in Australia, the United States, and New Zealand are sounding the alarm over Canada’s dairy protein that they say is being “disposed of” on the world market. The Dairy Companies Association of New Zealand (DCANZ), and U.S. and Australian dairy industry representatives are calling for… Read More

Canadians feel betrayed by the U.S and Donald Trump after the President slapped a 25 percent tariff on imports for its northern neighbour and long-time partner in trade and defence of democracy. That was RealAg Radio host Shaun Haney’s take on U.S. tariffs announced on Saturday when he joined Monday morning’s Market Day Report panel… Read More