Animal care codes are an essential part of not only ensuring that best handling practices are used in barns and agricultural facilities, but they help to keep an avenue open for communication about the standards of care and welfare that animals in Canada receive right from the farmer to the end consumer. “The Code development… Read More

Dr. Colin Yates thought he had a good idea when he launched VETSon, a telemedicine platform for farm animals in 2022. The brainchild of Yates and his father, veterinarian Dr. Glen Yates, VETSon delivers livestock services using an AI-powered virtual health care platform. In this report from Canada’s Outdoor Farm Show, Yates tells RealAgriculture’s Bernard… Read More

Each livestock group in Canada has a Code of Practice for Care and Handling that producers must follow. These codes, guided by the National Farm Animal Care Council (NFACC), follow a review process on a rotating schedule. Currently, the beef cattle, equine, pig, and poultry codes are being updated, and now the latest code up… Read More

How does an on-farm biodigester and 2,200 beef cattle merge to make a farm more profitable and sustainable? On this episode of RealAgriculture’s Profitable Practices, Carl Frook shares how Frook Farms and Mar Creek Renewables have come together to help him manage manure, his cattle, his crops, and boost the bottom line for the family… Read More

There’s a growing problem in rural and remote areas of Ontario. A lack of large animal veterinarians is looming for the region, and the problem will only get worse without strategies to address the impending issue. Already, farmers and ranchers have identified that large distances and too few vets makes proper veterinary care expensive. Now,… Read More

Getting timely access to a veterinarian can be challenging for many livestock farmers. It’s not only a problem for Canadian farmers: a shortage of veterinarians is being felt around the globe, as farmers across the U.S., the UK, and Australia struggle to find health care for their animals, says Dr. Colin Yates, CEO of a… Read More

Dr. Kim Ominski is being honoured for her role in furthering the environmental and economic sustainability of forage-based beef cattle production systems in Canada. Ominski received the Canadian Beef Industry Award for Outstanding Research and Innovation at the Canadian Beef Industry Conference this week at Calgary, Alta. A researcher, professor, and acting department head at… Read More

A biosecurity and animal disease prevention company based at Guelph, Ontario has announced it’s merging with a U.S.-based company that has developed a facial recognition entry system for barns. Farm Health Guardian Ltd. and NoveTechnologies, LLC (NoveTech) say they have combined forces as of June 5, 2023, and will operate under the Farm Health Guardian… Read More

The road back to profitability for the pork sector is likely long and difficult as Canadian producers continue to face a troublesome combination of declining domestic demand, fewer opportunities in export markets, and the spectre of tougher U.S. animal welfare regulations that could drive prices lower. It all adds up to tough times for pork… Read More