Canola has a very high sulphur need, unlike most other annual crops. Sulphur is relatively mobile in the soil, but not in the plant. It’s also a nutrient that comes in a readily-available and slow-release form. All told, sulphur management of canola takes some careful planning and forethought, with a few key cautions thrown in…. Read More

Heading out to the field within a few weeks of canola emergence is a great way to fully assess seeder performance, stand establishment and uniformity, and identify early insect pressure. When assessing plant establishment, it’s important to distinguish between a seedling that is intended and one that’s perhaps a holdover volunteer from a past crop…. Read More

When it comes to seed-placed fertilizer, canola can be quite sensitive. According to Shawn Senko of the Canola Council of Canada (CCC), for the most part the only nutrient you need in-furrow with the canola seed is phosphorus, as it has an early season uptake and doesn’t move very far. There are published seed safety… Read More