We’ve all experienced those fields where the weeds have gotten out of hand. Sometimes weeds getting away on us is because we didn’t have a great handle on what was out there to begin with. RongRong Xian, technical service manager with BASF, says scouting before you get into the field with the drill is key…. Read More
Category: Canola School
Looking at the current state of the commodity markets, you may be tempted to make some last minute changes to your crop plan. Deviating away from your crop rotation may seem like a good idea in the short term, but as Sheldon Toews, technical service specialist with BASF, explains in this Canola School episode that… Read More
As the snow melts, many producers across the Prairies are eagerly awaiting for the day they can get in the field — if they there aren’t already. Sheldon Toews, technical service specialist with BASF, says when it comes to getting canola seed in the ground, farmers definitely need to pay attention to soil temperatures. “You… Read More
The right source, right rate, right time, and right place —together, these make up the 4Rs of nutrient management. In recent years, there has increased focus on 4R nutrient management as a tool of environmental stewardship, but in a year where input costs are through the roof, the 4R focus makes economic sense, too. Bethany… Read More
The impact of 2021’s drought and heat across many parts of the Prairies continues to be a key point in conversation as we look towards the 2022 growing season. Meghan Vankosky, field crop entomologist with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) based at Saskatoon, Sask., recently spoke at Alberta’s Agronomy Update to discuss the impact the… Read More
Even in a year where harvest weather was dry, understanding how canola cools and dries in storage is key to avoiding a big wreck in the bin. Leighton Blashko, senior technical service specialist at BASF, joins Kara Oosterhuis for this Canola School episode, to talk about the factors that will affect safe canola storage this… Read More
Clubroot has been confirmed in Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba, and can cause yield losses between 30 and 100 per cent. Sanitation, crop rotation, using resistant cultivars, and managing susceptible weeds are all useful strategies in the clubroot toolbox to mitigate infection, but what other strategies are there, and how effective are they for controlling clubroot… Read More
Soil sampling and having a fertility plan in place might be even more important after a drought year. There’s a good chance that the fertilizer applied in the spring wasn’t used up by crops. Where yields were lower than anticipated, it’s a good idea to get into the field, and see what’s left in terms… Read More
After a drought, lingering effects of herbicides can really pose a threat for the next cropping year. In this Canola School episode, Breanne Tidemann, research scientist at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Lacombe, Alta., explains why there’s a risk for herbicide carryover from residual products for the upcoming crop year. Tidemann says that it’s important to… Read More
Using clubroot resistant genetics and lengthening rotations are highly recommended practices for managing clubroot on the Prairies. But is there more farmers could do? “Ninety per cent of those clubroot spores can die with a two-year break, so one in three rotation, that’s really critical, if you have a shorter rotation than that, and you’re… Read More