Every field has a test plot. That’s the modus operandi at McBlain Farms. Tyler McBlain’s grandfather started no-tilling back in the 1980s and was a huge proponent of on-farm testing to determine what agronomic practices work best on the farm and its unique mix of heavy clay and lighter soils. Over the years, the farm,… Read More
Category: Soybean School
The old saying “it’s not how you start that’s important, but how you finish” applies to the story of the 2024 soybean crop on the Prairies and Northern Plains. Final yield numbers from crop insurance — usually the best overall estimate — are not yet public, but Statistics Canada says Manitoba farmers set a new… Read More
Dandelion control in soybeans was a significant issue across Ontario in 2024 — large dandelions set roots in many fields and killing the weed was a troublesome chore for growers and agronomists. Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness weed management specialist Mike Cowbrough says he hates to sound like a broken record but best… Read More
Those healthy looking soybeans may be hiding a hunger for nitrogen that could deliver higher yields. The oilseed’s nitrogen needs have been much studied over the years with researchers generally agreeing higher rates of nitrogen don’t pay, but that may not be the case when growers push for higher yields. On this episode of the… Read More
Dale Cowan has seen a lot of changes in agronomy and its application over his career. Well known for his exploration of new technology, the AGRIS Co-operative agronomy strategy manager and member of the Ontario Agricultural Hall of Fame gets excited when he discusses the benefits digital technology is bringing to the practice of agronomy…. Read More
When growers discover soybean cyst nematode (SCN) in their fields, sudden death syndrome (SDS) may not be far behind. Those nematodes act as an enabler for SDS by creating an entry point for the disease pathogen to enter roots and infect the plant. That’s why it’s important for growers to employ an integrated management program… Read More
Soybean growers in Ontario are now seeing the impact of difficult spring planting conditions and a roller coaster growing season as they survey variability in crop maturity that’s visible across farms and fields. On this episode of RealAgriculture Soybean School, BASF Canada agronomist Rob Miller offers tips on how to time harvest aid herbicide treatments… Read More
Soybean cyst nematode is the number one robber of soybean yield in fields across Ontario. In many instances, growers don’t realize the pest is impacting yield because the damage is done underground as parasitic nematodes feed and reproduce on soybean roots and interfere with the plant’s uptake of water and nutrients. On this episode of… Read More
Potassium deficiency can cost soybean growers as much as five to seven bushels per acre if the levels of the key nutrient sink below critical values. If farm fields show a deficit, how much potash should be broadcast to maintain yield? Is that rate safe for the plant and economical for the grower? Those are… Read More
New herbicide tolerant technology such as Enlist and Xtend soybean systems have helped solve significant management challenges, especially when it comes to tackling glyphosate resistant Canada fleabane and waterhemp. But Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness weed specialist Mike Cowbrough says farmers need to be vigilant when scouting their crops because “nature abhors a… Read More