Soybeans don’t like wet feet, and when rain is plentiful in June and July, saturated soils typically lead to an increase in fungal seedling diseases. Four of the most common culprits are pythium and phytophthora root rots as well as rhizoctonia and fusarium. On this episode of the RealAgriculture Soybean School, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture,… Read More
Category: Soybean Disease Weeds Insects
Soybeans will pop out of warm spring soil a few days after planting, but they often sit for weeks before breaking the surface when planted early in cool, no-till environments. On this episode of the RealAgriculture Soybean School, host Bernard Tobin and Abhi Deora, head of Syngenta Canada’s Seedcare Institute, look at how soil temperatures… Read More
Those green plants sticking out of the crop — are they regular redroot pigweed, or a much nastier pigweed species, such as waterhemp, or even Palmer amaranth? This has become an increasingly common question for farmers and agronomists on the eastern side of the Canadian Prairies as waterhemp that’s resistant to multiple herbicide groups continues… Read More
Could cameras mounted on sprayer booms help revolutionize crop scouting, stand assessment and the gathering of crop management information? On this episode of RealAgriculture Soybean School, we ride along with the SWAT Cam to learn how these sprayer-mounted cameras scout fields and gather information agronomists and growers can utilize to make crop management decisions. Agronomist… Read More
Soybeans can be called the ugly duckling of the crop world. Sometimes slow to emerge, especially under less-than-ideal conditions, soybean fields can look pretty stagey and ragged in late June to early July. However, Ken Currah of BASF says that soybeans can really surprise a grower — both in how quickly an uneven field can… Read More
When spraying post-emerge herbicides in conventional soybeans, getting good coverage is key to controlling weeds such as ragweed and pigweed. On this episode of RealAgriculture Soybean School, Syngenta Canada agronomic sales representative Brad Garlough explores how new sprayer technology can help growers get better herbicide coverage, optimize weed control, and defend the farm against herbicide… Read More
As soybeans move through the early vegetative stages, it’s time for growers to tackle those broadleaf weeds and grasses that might have evaded soil-applied herbicides or emerged after burndown. On this episode of the RealAgriculture Soybean School, BASF agronomist Rob Miller and host Bernard Tobin talk strategy in a weedy field of 1st trifoliate soybeans… Read More
Should growers plant soybeans in narrower 15-inch rows or should they go wide and plant at 30 inches? Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs soybean specialist Horst Bohner has been listening to the debate for years, and rather than taking sides, he likes to focus on the fact that growers can choose an… Read More
An open fall, warm winter temperatures, and a mild spring that has now turned cool and wet all add up to big weed control challenges as the calendar gets ready to turn to May. From cover crops that refused to die under snow cover, to hardy oats, tough annuals and an abundance of volunteer wheat,… Read More
Saskatchewan soybean production has been a roller coaster ride over the past decade. In 2013, growers planted 170,000 acres of the oilseed. Growing enthusiasm for the crop pushed acres higher to 850,000 in 2017, but since that time weather challenges and poor yields have caused acres to plunge — just over 45,000 acres were planted… Read More