While planters most certainly do a precise job at soybean planting depth, many farmers are still on the fence over whether or not the benefits are worth the added investment of a second (or third) planting implement. After all, does their existing unit do just as good a job? These are exactly the kinds of… Read More
Category: Soybean Planting
Only a few months ago, soybeans were the darling crop of nearly every farmer from Manitoba to Alberta. The crop could do no wrong, it seemed, and everyone wanted a piece of this nitrogen-fixing pie. Acres in Manitoba were set to surpass a million if you asked someone in January, but here we are in… Read More
Building off of the success of the 300 Bushel Corn initiative, PRIDE Seeds is rolling out the 100 Bushel initiative for soybeans in 2013. Slated to take place on as many as 40 sites across Ontario, the 100 Bushel challenge seeks to showcase the optimum combination of variety choice, planting date, seed treatment, inoculant, fertility… Read More
Many factors converge in determining the final yield tally of the soybean crop each year, but choosing the highest yielding variety for your area is a good place to start. How do you know which is the highest yielding? Well, on-farm performance is a good indication, but it pays to compare what else is available…. Read More
If some is good, is more better? Well, that depends on what we’re talking about. Horst Bohner, soybean specialist with OMAFRA, definitely supports moving towards optimal number of plants per acre and that might mean higher seeding rates, but when it comes to tillage and fertilizer, less can certainly be more. Soybeans are unlike other… Read More
The soybeans are in the bin (or very nearly) which means it’s now time to think about…2013. Well, take a break first, but while you’re harvesting corn or otherwise winding down from a busy harvest season, there are key soybean production decisions best made between now and the end of the year. David Townsend, product… Read More
Getting into your field on a regular basis to scout is extremely important. Walking your field scouting for disease or pest activity can help you to get ahead of any potential situation that may arise. As important and as necessary as that is, it’s also extremely helpful to see what’s happening below ground. Digging up… Read More
Every day matters when it comes to soybeans. When it comes to double crop soybeans, it matters much more. In a year like this one, where it looks as though that double crop may be a reality, producers in that position have to start thinking about risk management. While getting that crop in the ground… Read More
Producers and agronomists have both touted the benefits of early planting when it comes to soybeans. Just how much of a benefit is it? Considering the relatively short season for soybeans in Ontario, three to four weeks can pay off at harvest. That early planting doesn’t come without risk. Cold temperatures and other adverse early… Read More
Unseasonably warm weather has its benefits other than not freezing to death. It appears as though the warm weather in March provided an extra boost to the winter wheat crop, so much in some cases that there is already talk in some circles of the potential for double crop soybeans . Great news for producers… Read More