Much of Ontario’s winter wheat has fallen victim to hot, dry, June growing conditions, and yields will likely suffer, reports RealAgriculture agronomist Peter Johnson. On this episode of the Wheat School, Johnson describes how drought-like growing conditions that brought high temperatures (34 degree days, 24 degree nights) and high winds for the better part of a… Read More
Category: Harvest Wse
Not often do you hear of wheat outyielding corn, but that’s the case in our latest episode in the ‘Real’ Wheat Farmers series. RealAgriculture resident agronomist Peter Johnson can barely contain himself when Arthur, Ontario farmer Shawn Schill of Shawridge Farms tells him that one 200-acre field yielded 154 bu/ac of wheat, beating the average corn… Read More
Surging wheat markets mean there’s plenty of profit potential in high protein wheat, and Peter Johnson has some tips to help you cash in on those premiums. In this episode of RealAgriculture Wheat School, Johnson, our resident agronomist and shameless wheat promoter, shares protein management insights for growers in Western Canada and spring wheat growers… Read More
How much will that field yield? That’s a question RealAgriculture agronomist Peter Johnson is often asked when talking with growers. In this episode of Wheat School, he reviews the formula for estimating wheat yield. Johnson says it can be difficult to peg yield because testweight is a wildcard that can be tough to eyeball and… Read More
Every wheat farmer has watched with glee as the number on their yield monitor jumps 20 to 50 bushels as the combine travels through the field. In this episode of Real Agriculture Wheat School, agronomist Phil Needham of Needham AG Technologies offers advice on how farmers can drill down through yield maps and soil tests… Read More
You’ve heard it time and time again — proper residue management is essential for good seedbed preparation. It ensures uniform nutrient loading and soil temperatures, increases the likelihood of good seed-to-soil contact, and mitigates the risk of plugging and other during seeding. We’re back on residue again, and it’s just driving me crazy that we still… Read More
The rallying cry of “harvest the wheat ASAP!” makes sense in light of heavy fusarium levels, seeing as the fungus continues to grow and cause damage even on mature wheat. But for those looking at a glyphosate application ahead of harvest, going in too early could mean glyphosate being translocated to the wheat kernels and… Read More
You wouldn’t think that it works this way, says Peter Johnson, cereal specialist for the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, but every single time mature wheat gets rained on, you lose test weight. But, why and how, our friends and followers on Twitter asked? The short answer? Wrinkles. In this very informative… Read More
When it comes to planting no-till wheat, Phil Needham, of Needham Ag Technologies, says farmers need to think first about the combine before rolling out the drill. “You can buy the best piece of seeding equipment on the market, but it’s only going to be as good as the residue management (in a no-till system)… Read More
The seed drill does its most precise job if running through uniform residue and soil. While there’s little you can do about soil variability, residue management is well within your power. As Peter Johnson says in this video, start your winter wheat planting pass from the combine by spreading residue uniformly. (Click here to see… Read More