Just when you think you’re getting somewhere on disease management, the disease population shifts just enough to stay competitive. Fusarium, with its many strains and staying power on residue, is a constant thorn in the side of many Manitoba farmers, but it’s also increasingly an issue for Alberta and Saskatchewan farmers as well. What’s more,… Read More

Soil salinity is one of those issues that creeps up — quite literally. The accumulation of salts in the growing zone typically happens slowly over time,  causing small yield losses that may go unnoticed until salinity is quite severe. The tell-tale wavy growth in a field or, worse, bare batches or salt-loving weeds moving in… Read More

Fusarium head blight. It’s one nasty disease that most of the Prairies was happy to consider a southern Manitoba problem. The troubling reality, however, is that the disease has been steadily marching west for quite some time, and while it’s not news that the disease has been found in Alberta and Saskatchewan, the incidence of… Read More

The stretch from spring seeding to winter wheat planting isn’t really that long, but a lot can happen over that period. During the time your equipment sits it’s subject to all kinds of weather variations from late spring snowstorms to summer heat waves. Those kind of swings can wreak havoc with your equipment in ways… Read More

The decision to apply a fungicide to your wheat crop can be made a little easier if understand the return on your investment. Yield equals dollars and if you’re in an area that’s at risk for disease. Protecting your crops yield potential is benefit number 1. Fungicides first and foremost provide a preventative level of… Read More