In this episode of the Wheat School, we head to Regina to talk with Syngenta Technical Field Manager Robert Klewchuk about control strategies for wild oats. Wild oats act as scavengers in your wheat stand. They can steal valuable nutrients from your crop, affecting yields and crop development. While a pre-seed burn has been effective… Read More

With all this wet weather, disease concerns start to come into play, and protection against things like septoria, powdery mildew, and fusarium head blight become very important. As we look at providing that protection, proper application becomes critical. When spraying fungicides there are many considerations that need to be taken into account. Nozzle selection, nozzle… Read More

Farmers across the globe continue to try and improve wheat production.  Higher yields and environmental stewardship continue to evolve and be achieved.  One of the best ways to learn new practices and raise your personal knowledge of agronomy is to look at other production practices around the globe.  A deeper look into how fellow farmers… Read More

Fusarium head blight continues to be a major concern for North American farmers. Yield loss can be high and the amount of vomotoxin infection in the grain can cause significant grade loss. Although there are wheat varieties available to minimize the impact of fusarium, the reality is there is no technology available to control it… Read More