For most of the west, this harvest season has been ideal. Warm to hot weather accompanied by warmer than normal nights made for some late nights and some early starts during the beginning of the season. Even with the great weather, farmers are still pushing their limits as that nagging sense of “it will all… Read More

When we talk about harvest across the prairies, you can’t use a blanket term to cover any one province unless that comment is “variable”. In terms of exactly how much of harvest is done, some areas in the Alberta and Manitoba are finished while areas in the Northern Alberta haven’t even started yet. Yields for… Read More

Much has been said about the potential benefits of straight cutting canola. In particular with regards to yield and overall quality, straight cutting has been shown to provide some benefit. There are however some qualifiers attached to those benefits that have to work to avoid a wreck. It would be a disaster to lose your… Read More

I have been around canola fields my entire life and when you factor in all of the growing challenges and key points, the most misunderstood is the decision of “when should I swath?”  I get more calls to our office during this time of the growing season than any other.  Swath timing is incredibly difficult… Read More

When farmers choose varieties one of the most common used criteria is stand ability. Sometimes crops lodge no matte what variety you choose due to late moisture, wind or above average weight of the crop. One of the tools that farmers are including on their combine headers is Flexxifinger crop lifters. At CropWeek 2011 in… Read More