There’s growing evidence that cover crops have the ability to support “sustainably intensified” agriculture. That’s the verdict from Purdue University associate agronomy professor Dr. Shalamar Armstrong. He makes a strong case to support the claim that cover crops have the ability to help agriculture produce more crops per acre while also preserving natural resources, including… Read More

There are always certain topics that get people reading, watching, and asking questions. Soil fertility is always on that list. Whether it’s trying to better understand nitrogen loss risk, matching pounds of product to yield potential, anticipating price moves, or evaluating a new product, there’s never a shortage of interest in soil fertility topics. Earlier… Read More

Molecules in the air consist of 78 per cent nitrogen. During a lightning storm, the energy of a lightning bolt breaks apart nitrogen molecules, allowing them to form nitrogen oxides. These dissolve in rainwater as nitrates, which fall to the ground with the rain and add nitrogen to soil. Over a decade ago, Joe Lewis,… Read More

Growers can throw the kitchen sink at corn to increase yield but there’s no guarantee that the extra inputs will improve the bottom line when the crop goes to market. That was certainly the story Purdue University associate professor and extension corn specialist Dr. Dan Quinn observed in his trials across Michigan, Indiana and Kentucky… Read More

Grain Farmers of Ontario (GFO) has released its 2025 strategic plan, a four-year roadmap to guide activities that support the GFO’s focus on advocacy, knowledge transfer, market growth, and strong governance as the organization continues its work to bring its mission and vision to life. GFO says its mission is to build, defend, and promote… Read More

What goals should be set for canola yield targets? How have yields been trending? Why is this information important? Achieving a final goal yield at the end of the season is an important component in the profitability of a cropping operation, and setting realistic targets can give producers a reference point from which they can… Read More