To the surprise of possibly few, Peter Johnson has officially been named a nut — a ground nut specialist, in fact. As of right now, Johnson is on his way home from a mission to Zambia, where he was named peanut specialist for the two weeks. What did he learn? If wheat is all about… Read More
Category: Agronomy
What does a unicycle have to do with better pesticide efficacy? If you’re Tom Wolf, co-founder of AgriMetrix and avid unicycler, it’s all about understanding droplets and how different sizes move through a dense crop canopy. Larger droplets tend to move in a straight line, forward or back, but small droplets move with the wind… Read More
Looking to get more road speed out of your tracked combine as you move from field to field? Camso believes it has the solution you’ve been looking for in its new Conversion Track System – CTS High Speed. The system was recently unveiled at the 2017 National Farm Machinery Show in Louisville, Kentucky. In this… Read More
Strong, durable and lightweight. Those are the words John Deere is using to describe its new carbon fibre spray booms. John Deere has been working for years on ways to substitute the composite material for the steel and aluminum traditionally used in farm equipment. After years of testing, the new 120- and 132-foot carbon fibre… Read More
If you’ve got cows, you likely do something like this: number of cows x days on feed = tonnes of hay/forage needed. But what if you’ve got land, but no livestock, and want to include perennial forage in rotation? Have you ever sat down and done this: number of acres x tonnes of feed produced… Read More
Can it be? Has #plant17 really started already? Well, for at least a few farmers in the southern climes of Ontario are rolling out to frost seed oats (the temp is in the teens today!), and that’s where we begin this week’s Wheat Pete’s Word. Yes, planting oats in February can work, explains your host Peter… Read More
Case IH wants to help farmers take the guesswork out of turning on headlands. The company says tractor operators can now use its new AccuTurn automatic headland turning technology to navigate hands-free, automatic, repeatable turns for increased productivity and reduced operator fatigue. Case IH unveiled the Advanced Farming Systems (AFS) auto guidance technology last week… Read More
“If it doesn’t impact me, I don’t care…” I have attended many conferences across Canada and nothing gets farmers to fall asleep faster than speeches of the threat (actually, it’s reality) of herbicide resistance. For many farmers, it seems, they either don’t see this as something that impacts them or they don’t think it’s as serious an… Read More
In Western Canada, we have few acre battles that get much attention, but one that intrigues our editorial staff every year is the battle of the canola herbicide tolerance trait race. It really is a three-way cage match that has swings in advantage every year. All three systems have unique characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses. So here… Read More
When you look to purchase a new piece of seeding equipment what are your priorities? Is it size, colour, or what is the newest flashiest tech in the marketplace? Do you shop new and used or only one or the other? There are many things to consider. Kickin’ Tires co-hosts Jim Hale and Shaun Haney… Read More