Grain is in the absolute best condition it can be when it’s put into storage. Keeping it that way is critical for maintaining its value and marketability. Insect infestations aren’t as big a problem for farmers in Canada as in other (read: warmer) parts of the world, but they can still cause significant damage. Typically, 1 to… Read More

Ergot (often refered to as “Ergot of Rye”) is a disease caused by the plant fungus Claviceps pururea. It’s history with humans is rich and painful, believed to be a contributing factor in the Salem Witch Trials, and the diagnoses of “Holy Fire,” later termed “St. Anthony’s Fire.” Today, it is regarded as a highly… Read More

Barley and oat farmers in Ontario have voted in favour of being represented by Grain Farmers of Ontario. “We are pleased to announce that barley and oat production in Ontario is anticipated to be represented by Grain Farmers of Ontario by July 1, 2015,” says Barry Senft, CEO of Grain Farmers of Ontario. The Ontario… Read More

Today, in Winnipeg, Manitoba,Shelly Glover, Minister of Canadian Heritage and Official Languages announced an investment of $1,950,000 to the Canadian Malting Barley Technical Centre (CMBTC) on behalf of Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz. The funding, made possible through Agriculture and AGri-Food Canada’s AgriMarketing Program under Growing Forward 2, is expected to aid the company in its market… Read More

If you’re considering growing barley for the malt market in 2015, the Canadian Malting Barley Technical Centre has just released its list of recommended varieties for the 2015-16 crop year. The list (find it here) is compiled by the CMBTC’s members with input from grain companies, maltsters and brewers. CDC Copeland and AC Metcalfe are… Read More