Ag Growth International (AGI) is well known for its grain storage and conveyance services and technology, but a big part of the company’s business in North American and around the globe focuses on its feed platform. At Agritechnica 23, RealAgriculture’s Shaun Haney caught up with Noam Silberstein, AGI’s senior vice president for global feed, to… Read More

Safe storage of any crop is a function of not just moisture, but temperature as well. Ontario growers were blessed with some warm, dry weather to harvest the soybean crop — a crop that came off the field over-dry in some instances. Peter “Wheat Pete” Johnson, RealAgriculture’s resident agronomist, says that growers reported taking beans… Read More

Crop tours earlier this growing season predicted record corn yields in Ontario, and yield monitors and truck traffic confirm the rumour. Across much of the province, farmers are reporting solid to record-breaking yields — even Peter “Wheat Pete” Johnson is having to split-weigh his research plots! Commercial growers are harvesting huge volumes of grain and… Read More

From the dreaded aphanomyces (hard to say, harder to control), to the potential of soybeans, fall weed control options, and on to delicious sounding diseases of fabas, Sherrilyn Phelps, agronomy lead for Saskatchewan Pulse Growers, has so much to cover in this week’s RealAg LIVE! segment. Host Shaun Haney and Phelps also discuss some of… Read More