Planting is rolling on, even if it is verrrry slowly for parts of Ontario. Meanwhile, crops are emerging well in many parts of the Prairies. This week’s Wheat Pete’s Word tackles some timely topics, such as creative ways to apply N to hungry wheat, why starter fertilizer is almost always worth it on corn, and… Read More
Category: Oats
Statistics Canada is out with its first results of this year’s Field Crop Survey to gauge how much of each principal field crop is currently stored on-farm. The survey was conducted from the beginning until the end of March. According to the report, farmers were asked to report the amounts of grain, oilseeds, and special… Read More
Alert! Alert! Alert! It’s May — time to panic! Wait, no, not yet. Yes, weather conditions in both eastern and western Canada have been less than ideal for different reasons, but while farmers are absolutely itching to get rolling in the field, it’s not late…yet. That said, Wheat Pete’s Word host Peter Johnson knows that… Read More
The Prairie Oat Growers Association (POGA) announced Wednesday morning Jenneth Johanson is taking over the role as president. Johanson, calls Lac de Bonnet, Manitoba, home and began her term on the POGA board in 2016. On top of regular board duties, she has participated in the federal delegation to China twice and also sits on… Read More
What’s yellow, baled, and wanted all over? Straw of course! The pretty sad wheat crop in Ontario has many farmers asking, “what’s straw worth?” and, “which cereal crop will give me the most?” Host Peter ‘Wheat Pete’ Johnson tackles that question and so much more in this week’s Wheat Pete’s Word. Hear more about straw… Read More
It must be April — farmers in Alberta are starting to roll out and farmers in Ontario are ready to pull the plug on wheat. This early April edition of Wheat Pete’s Word is bursting with great questions from across Canada, including PEI, and even down in the U.S., including Pennsylvania and Indiana! Host Peter… Read More
What does your swimming pool and seedbed have in common? Very little! So why is one farmer worried about potassium chloride’s impact on soil bugs? It’s all about the form of nutrients, says Wheat Pete’s Word host, Peter Johnson. In this week’s episode, Johnson wants to hear from you on your top spring wheat yields… Read More
Oat and corn research projects through the Canadian Field Crop Research Alliance (CFCRA) recently received $4.1 million over five years to support national projects. The federal funding will support CFCRA’s work in developing new oat varieties, enhance breeding efforts, and inform new agronomic practices to help improve productivity, stability of yields, consistency, and quality. Funding will also… Read More
In the never-ending quest to buy acres, oats have given many growers something to smile about. Current prices are strong, and the dry weather bias has pushed Manitoba yields into the 170 and 190 bushel range on some fields. Still, oats can be a tough sell for some — prices are volatile (with a much… Read More
Chances are, if you like the look of old crop oat prices your neighbours do, too. And while the human consumption oat market is steady to increasing, Lorne Boundy, with Paterson Grain, cautions against counting on that to keep prices where they are. With old crop prices taking off and sitting around $4/bu in southern… Read More