If you’re on Twitter, you might have seen John Kowalchuk creating a following for his #RumseySoybeans that he has tackled over the past five years on his farm in Rumsey, Alta. Soybeans are a tricky crop to grow, as they need a certain amount of heat units that central Alberta doesn’t always experience. This didn’t stop… Read More

If your go-to pulse variety is more than five or six years old, it’s time to consider trying a new line. When you look at the provincial mix for Saskatchewan, some of the most-seeded lines are five, 10, or even 12 years old, says Laurie Friesen with the Saskatchewan Pulse Growers. That means that all… Read More

With no restrictions, spending $153 million seems easy. But when the task at hand is to leverage that $153 million into leap-frogging an entire industry forward, knowing where to commit that cash becomes much more complicated. Bill Greuel, CEO of Protein Industries Canada, is tasked with ensuring the federal Protein Supercluster funding is invested prudently… Read More

Fungicides play a key role in helping manage disease in pulse crops across the Prairies. But growers need to be vigilant to prevent fungicide resistance and ensure they have the tools required to fight yield-robbing diseases, says Alberta Agriculture and Forestry pulse research scientist Robyne Bowness Davidson. On this episode of RealAgriculture’s Resistance Management School,… Read More