Have you ever heard the saying that information is power?  Having information at your fingertips when you ned to make very important business decisions is critical to the success of your farm or ag-business.  With the increase in crop protection product skews and the introduction of generics into the marketplace, it is more challenging than… Read More

When I was at CropWeek last January lentils were all the rage for farmers. With high prices and increasing acres many people, including myself thought the best thing to do was to forward sell 2010 crop at low 20’s to protect against a bearish market. Throw in a poor spring, a wet harvest and resulting… Read More

In my opinion, inoculants are a very interesting product.  Products like Nodulator fix Nitrogen which has benefits for this years soybean or pulse crop but also has extreme benefits for next years cereal crop to. Its one of those amazing innovations in agriculture that we take for granted sometimes until you really sit down and… Read More

According to Rebecca Krip of Syngenta, farmers are very curious as to what their pulses go and what they are used for when they are exported.  Syngenta decide to have some fun with this and held a CropWeek Pulse Fashion Show.  The reception for the show was very good.  It is very evident that the… Read More

World lentil production appears to have fallen short of world demand for the 2009 / 10 marketing year.  This has resulted in strong current prices for lentils and farmers wanting to expand acreages on the farm.  At the Pulse Days conference at #cropweek in Saskatoon are excited about the potential of lentils as demand expands… Read More