Leaf twisting, burning, cupping, or crinkling — those are just some of the signs that a crop may be suffering from herbicide injury. Why do herbicides cause crop injury? University of Guelph weed researcher Dr. Peter Sikkema says injury causes can be classified into seven basic categories. That list includes extreme weather, unique or variable… Read More

There’s never going to be a one-size-fits all recipe for top wheat yields — too much depends on fertility, soil conditions, and weather. That said, there are some practices that year in and year out are part of a successful stand. Peter “Wheat Pete” Johnson says that the Great Lakes YEN project has helped to… Read More

Winter is making itself known across all of Canada this week, after a polar vortex descended on Alberta, all the way to Ontario getting hit with snow, wind, and cold temps (for Ontario, mind you). That sparked some questions on fall-seeded crop survival, including canola, alfalfa, and wheat, which host Peter ‘Wheat Pete’ Johnson answers… Read More

Grain farming in Ontario has a significant and growing economic impact in the province and across the country. That’s the conclusion of a recent study from business accounting firm MNP prepared for the Grain Farmers of Ontario. The study, titled: Economic Impact Analysis of Grain Farming in Ontario, found that the industry created $27 billion… Read More

When a field of winter gets knocked down, don’t count it out. RealAgriculture agronomist Peter Johnson says the 2022/23 crop is a perfect example of how winter wheat can absorb multiple agronomic and environmental blows and still get off the mat to deliver a big yield punch. On this episode of RealAgriculture Wheat School, Johnson… Read More

Hitting a whopping 173.4 bushels, Jeff Cook of London, Ont., achieved the highest wheat yield in the 2023 Great Lakes Yield Enhancement Network (YEN) competition. Winning the highest per cent of yield potential was Mark Davis, of Napanee, Ont., with an achievement of 117.6 per cent of potential yield. Overall, Great Lakes YEN participants increased… Read More