There’s a growing problem in rural and remote areas of Ontario. A lack of large animal veterinarians is looming for the region, and the problem will only get worse without strategies to address the impending issue. Already, farmers and ranchers have identified that large distances and too few vets makes proper veterinary care expensive. Now,… Read More

Manitoba Premier Wab Kinew and Agriculture Minister Ron Kostyshyn announced nearly half a million in federal and provincial funding for the Manitoba Farmer Wellness Program (MFWP) while at Ag Days in Brandon this week. The grassroots non-profit organization, which started providing free counselling to farmers and farm families in 2022, will receive $450 thousand over… Read More

Severe and chronic — those are the words often used to describe the shortage of workers for the agriculture industry. The numbers back up the scope and scale of the problem, as outlined in the latest Labour Market Information survey released by the Canadian Agricultural Human Resource Council (CAHRC). The report, compiled by the Conference… Read More