Becoming an effective leader of any team begins with first taking charge of yourself. Leadership of self, says Mark Gasparotto, is a necessary step before being truly ready and able to lead others, whether on the farm or elsewhere in life. Gasparotto, founder of The Gasparotto Group and former Canadian military commander, says potential leaders… Read More

Many of you run family farm businesses filled with the opportunities, challenges and satisfaction that comes with it. As businesses transition from one generation to the next, the incoming generation is faced with many internal and external expectations to be like or even better than the last generation. This is true on the farm and… Read More

“If I’d give any advice, I’d say don’t be afraid to ask questions…don’t ask a question because you know the answer. Ask a question because you genuinely want to know, and get their opinion and get their advice. And when you ask that question, when you explore that curiosity, you’re wiser, and the folks who… Read More

Brant County farmer Steve Sickle has been named president of the Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association (OSCIA) for 2023. Sickle has been involved in the Brant Federation of Agriculture, Brant Beef Farmers, Ontario Soil Network, and the agriculture advisory council for the county. His OSCIA involvement stretches back many years, and he’s also worked… Read More

A high functioning team is a key component of running a business, and trust builds strong teams. So how do leaders foster trust between team members? Kristjan Hebert, a farmer at Fairlight, Sask., says the younger a team, the steeper the learning curve. Hebert has a team of young professionals and he makes sure there… Read More