Of all of the aspects of a business that have to be managed, human resources can be the most challenging. The needs and the dynamics involved in managing human resources are unique to every business and have to evolve as a business grows and changes. For many farmers human resources can suck the life out of running… Read More
Category: Farm Management
James S Peck owns and operates PX Farms Ltd. in Cambridge, England. The operation is close to 6000 acres and is comprised of a combination of contracted acres and his own family farm. The farm is extremely large for the U.K. and the growth it has seen since PX Farms was established in 2003 has… Read More
When it comes to succession planning, one of the most difficult things to do may be just getting the conversation started. No other topic can get defences up, arouse suspicions or cause divisions like the topic of succession if it’s not handled correctly. Having a pure business discussion with your parents or kids easily crosses the family… Read More
Have you ever been to a farm meeting and there is a speaker talking about the cost of production? Do you ever feel like they are speaking no different than the teacher in Charlie Brown? Farming is business and businesses need to know their cost of production. Guessing your cost per acre is just not… Read More
Over the past couple of days, I have been reading and seeing a bunch of different articles in relation to keeping young farmers on the farm and attracting first generation farmers. My question? Why is it any different than any other entrepreneurial business. I’m sure that there are tens of thousands of people across Canada… Read More
Christie Young is the Executive Director of FarmSmart and this week she has created some stir within the Canadian Agriculture industry by saying that our industry is not prepared for the coming mass farmer retirements. What has really caused the stir is her statement that the government has some sort of responsibility to ensure we prepare… Read More
Have you ever heard the saying, “hope is not a plan.” This is a great saying that is very applicable in agriculture. It is very critical to ensure that you are creating the proper roadmap. This should include projections on production, prices and yields. This also includes plans for capital expenditures in the coming year…. Read More
Farming is a unique business. It involves every aspect of business you can imagine from shovelling to marketing. It’s that diversity that can make successful farming a challenge. Many farmers may be good at one or two aspects of the buiness but not so good at the others. This can have devastating consequences if you’re trying… Read More
There are some elements of farming that will always be the same, but to move ahead and grow as a farm, it’s the changes that need to be kept up with. Whether it’s technology that keeps evolving every year or the ever changing dynamic of the consumer market, change isn’t just good when it comes… Read More
We have all heard the saying, “what goes up must come down,” but does that maybe not apply to land values? This week FCC released its newest version of the Farm Credit Canada Farmland Values Report and the results continue to verify the upward trend of land values. It is becoming ever more difficult to… Read More