It’s no secret or will it shock you if I told you that I think farmers are terrible at succession planning.  If most of you reflected on your own personal situations I would assume you would say that you agree.  The question that arises is, if we know this to be true, why do we… Read More

We have lots of cows in Canadian Agriculture, but we also have some sacred cows a well. One of these is the ability to shelter income through the cash method of reporting farming  income. For those who don€™t know how this works, it is a simplistic formula whereby as long as you have more expenses than… Read More

By Shaun Haney Agriculture has some untouchable topics that we are just not supposed to talk about.  One of them is dealing with aging farm workers.  On the farm we are taught to respect our elders but in some cases in agriculture we take this to high levels of absurdity.   Recently, in northern Alberta… Read More

When we read about innovation in business magazines we commonly see companies like Apple that produce cool gadgets and personal devices.  We frequently see car companies or advertising agencies with flashy designs or cool strategies getting recognized for innovation but why not agriculture? What do you think? As a farmer do you consider yourself innovative?… Read More