Syngenta has announced the integration of the Cool Farm Tool (CFT) into its Cropwise Sustainability (CWS) application. CFT is a globally-recognized carbon quantification tool that allows farmers to measure estimated greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions on their farms. By integrated with CWS, farmers can now pair with custom recommendations to reduce their environmental footprint, Syngenta says…. Read More

The implementation of a grocery sector code of conduct, improvements to AgriRecovery, capital gains tax changes, and food security in Canada’s north were among the topics discussed by agriculture ministers from across Canada in Whitehorse this week. Ministers representing the federal, provincial and territorial (FPT) governments traveled to the Yukon capital for their annual FPT… Read More

Developing good ag policy that improves the long-term sustainability of Canadian agriculture — economic, environmental, and social — is a messy process that requires a mix of many things, including engaged stakeholders, good data to inform decisions, and enough people willing to take action and lead with long-term vision. This was clear as we discussed… Read More

A new intake for Ontario’s On-Farm Climate Action Fund (OFCAF) opens August 1, 2024. Applications will be accepted on a continuous basis. OFCAF funding, administered by Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association in the province, provides successful applicants with cost-share funding to support the implementation of best management practices (BMPs) to tackle climate change through… Read More

The Alberta and Canadian governments announced Wednesday $1.9 million in funding for the Alberta Beef Producers in support of the Verified Beef Production Plus (VBP+). The funding is provided through the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership. The VBP+ program offers certification to beef producers, providing verification that they are operating sustainably through on-farm practices such as… Read More

Farmers and ranchers are responsible for managing the land they own or rent, including ecologically sensitive areas such as riparian areas and wetlands. These areas aren’t always easy to identify, and some of these areas may currently be cultivated and producing crops. Each province has its own goals on conservation of different areas, and there… Read More

A July 15th tax return filing deadline is looming for small and medium-sized businesses across Canada who could be eligible for the federal carbon tax rebate announced in the federal budget in April. An estimated 600 thousand Canadian-controlled private corporations (CCPCs), including farms that are incorporated, could be eligible to receive more than $2.5 billion… Read More

Farmers and ranchers face many pressures to farm and raise animals in certain ways to meet sustainability-related goals of others, including food companies, lenders, and government. Clauses in crop contracts, carbon credits, government payments for rotational grazing or using nitrogen loss inhibitors, the federal fertilizer emissions reduction target, clean fuel standards, codes of practice, and… Read More