Rural crime has been a major issue for a long time, but vehicle and equipment thefts appear to be rising. Farms are often remote and don’t always have people around, making them a target for thieves. Farms are also situated miles from the nearest neighbour and much further from the nearest policing headquarters, so it… Read More

Rural crime is unfortunately one of those topics that more of us have been impacted by than not. Whether it be through a neighbour, your own farm, or a friend across the country, rural crime happens. Farm specific crime, such as stolen fuel or grain or rustled animals, often ticks up when commodity prices rise…. Read More

Chances are, if you live in a rural setting, you’ve either impacted by rural crime either directly or indirectly. We have commodities in the bin or on the ground, and where the market is currently sitting, they are likely of high value. On January 30, Pincher Creek RCMP responded to a complaint of mischief at… Read More