Excitement is building for Agritechnica — a gigantic farm equipmeent and technology show that only happens every two years in Hannover, Germany. The future-of-farming show covers nearly 98 acres and attracts hundreds of thousands of people. Back again this year will be the RealAgriculture team of RealAg Radio host Shaun Haney and production lead Jason… Read More

Some grain production analysts are calling for another extraordinary wheat harvest in Argentina, on the back of a record-setting year for 2018/19. “Last season we had a record harvest in our country,” says Javier Preciado Patiño with eFarmNews. “Farmers collected 150 million tons of grain, basically: corn, 55 million tons, wheat, 25 million tons, and… Read More

By Jen Christie Making my coffee this morning was so easy. I push a button on a machine. If the water canister is empty, I just turn on the tap. When we’re out of beans, there’s a bag in the cupboard to fill the grinder that costs as much (or more) than some Kenyan’s monthly… Read More

There’s no understating just how significant the loss of Canadian pulse exports to India has been this past year. Carl Potts, executive director of the Saskatchewan Pulse Growers, says that the organization’s budget — directly funded through a value-based levy — fell short by nearly 40%. It shows just how dire the situation has been… Read More

The Spray Guys are back with a Canadian culture mash up that sees them reprise the roles of Bob and Doug McKenzie, everybody’s favourite beer drinking duo. In this episode of Exploding Spray Myths, our two hosers, played by Jason Deveau and Tom Wolf, somehow manage to jerry-rig a satellite hot stove lounge where they interview… Read More