A case of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) was found in Scotland this past week, in the area of Aberdeenshire. This is the first time of a recorded case of BSE in the UK since 2015. Back then, there was a case found in Wales. “I have activated the Scottish Government’s response plan to protect our… Read More
Category: Farm Travel
There are many ways to gauge growing conditions, estimate yields, and measure exports from overseas, but likely one of the best ways to get a grip on crop production in a foreign land is to ask someone who’s there. Mike Lee, with Green Square Agro Consulting, is an agronomist and crop consultant based in the… Read More
India was the guest that was notable by its absence at the recent Pulse and Special Crops Convention at Regina. The country has pulled back substantially from the pulse market and, although there were few attendees from that area of world, India was mentioned often from the stage and in the corridors. Dale Leftwich had… Read More
The Netherlands, with its moderate climate, may seem like an odd place to grow heat-loving soybeans. But just a few decades ago, that’s what people said about Ontario, too – and soybeans have become the province’s major field crop, expected to top three million acres this year. That kind of acreage is not in the… Read More
Ever consider replacing your planter disc openers with high-pressured water jets? The concept is called aqua-till. The idea has been pioneered by the South Australian NoTill Farmers Association (SANTFA). Earlier this week, SANTFA research and development manager Greg Butler traveled north to Ontario to showcase the technology for farmers attending the annual FarmSmart Expo near… Read More
The Liberal government’s minimum wage hike will cost Ontario fruit and vegetable growers $297 million over the next two years. The impact on the industry was calculated by professional consultants and presented to all levels of the provincial government, but Premier Kathleen Wynne, Members of Provincial Parliament (MPPs) and senior bureaucrats chose not to listen, says… Read More
In our country, referendums are rare, and not for the faint of heart. Remember the Quebec separation referendums back in the 1990s? They nearly tore the country apart. It’s a different story in Switzerland, which like us, is an agricultural nation. Here, referendums — like the one on food security that concluded on Sunday —… Read More
Sometimes it’s hard to get more than a few days for a vacation, no matter where you’re going. Take our recent vacation to Newfoundland, for example. We had only four days available at the tail end of my wife’s conference in St. John’s, but we were determined to see the western part of the province… Read More
If you’re a hockey fan, you had to be excited and inspired by the support Nashville showed for its Predators through the playoffs, whether you liked the team or not. The buzz downtown was fantastic. I can only imagine those images will draw even more tourists to Music City than the record numbers that have… Read More
I often think that when we discuss precision agriculture we tend to naturally focus on large broadacre-style farming across the U.S. Midwest corn belt, Ontario, and the western Canadian prairies. We don’t seem to talk about how precision agriculture technology could create a difference in small-holder agriculture. Clearly, auto-steer is not something you must have when… Read More