DuPont Pioneer and RealAgriculture have teamed up to offer a lucky farm a chance to win an AgVenture to Hawaii! In celebration of Acapela — a fungicide that delivers more coverage, protection, and plant performance benefits for greener, healthier plants —  DuPont Pioneer is offering one grand prize, including airfare, seven nights accommodation, and a tour of… Read More

Grain markets headed into the Easter holiday weekend on a bit more volatility, helping most futures stay in the green. Oats were the big winner, rebounding up 4.15% since last Friday, closely followed by 3.5% and 3.15% by soymeal and corn respectively. The U.S. dollar was the big loser of the week, down 0.6%, which supported… Read More

Globally, the big question in food production – the one that reverberates in any discussion about the future – is who will feed the increasingly hungry world, and how. Most of the focus is on Africa, and the growing population there. So the question goes: Who will feed Africa? Well, after spending two weeks with… Read More

[GREAT EXUMA, THE BAHAMAS] – Farmers everywhere – including the Bahamas — used to get in and out of pigs relatively quickly. It’s not really like that anymore, as farming has become more sophisticated. But back then, when prices went up, herds grew quickly. When prices went down, herds shrunk about as fast. And so… Read More

Shaun Haney is in Germany this week as a guest of Bayer, celebrating 20 years of the company’s InVigor brand.  The world is big place, sure, but when it comes to agriculture, it’s actually quite small. As people move up the ladder within companies, they frequently get to spend time in other countries to build experience. … Read More

Shaun Haney is in Germany this week as a guest of Bayer, celebrating 20 years of the company’s Invigor brand.  This morning, I visited the BayKomm site in Leverkusen, Germany. The beautiful glass building holds not only some historical pieces from Bayer’s past but also a connection to the difference science makes on our daily… Read More

Shaun Haney is in Germany this week as a guest of Bayer, celebrating 20 years of the company’s Invigor brand.  During the Bayer InVigor 20th anniversary party we heard an address by Liam Condon, Bayer Crop Science CEO. He was fresh off a flight from Chicago where he was working on the acquisition of Monsanto…. Read More

Through the years, Cuban farmers – or at least those whose families didn’t have their farm estates or agri-businesses seized when Fidel Castro came into power — have been living in a bubble. They’ve been loyal subjects to their political leader, the long-time dictator who died last week, almost six months after his 90th birthday…. Read More