Noble efforts have been made to try bringing rural and urban Canadians closer. And now, with the Trans Pacific Partnership being signed, expect those efforts to intensify. Agricultural journalists and communications professionals are paying attention to this imperative. “Fixing Fences: Bridging the Rural-Urban Divide” was the theme of the 60th annual Canadian Farm Writers’ Federation… Read More

Physical challenges used to be the toughest obstacle facing farmers. But thanks mainly to automation and other forms of technology, that’s no longer the case. Still, there’s a sense of stress and anxiety on many farms, even though food production should be getting easier. Why is that? Well, a few theories exist, starting with isolation…. Read More

Even with other major stories percolating — sex education in schools and the federal election among them — the Syrian refugee crisis has thankfully not been nudged off the front pages. Noble and determined efforts are underway everywhere to help the estimated Syrian refugees find new homes. Last week, the Ontario government pledged $10.5 million… Read More

The prospect of nine billion people being on the earth in 2050 is pretty scary. Scarier yet, though, is the challenge of feeding them. But even scarier still is looking into the future and knowing that a scant 35 years from now, you, the person in the mirror, will be the one who’ll be trying… Read More

On a freezing cold late afternoon in February, 14 women gathered in a meeting room at the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs office in Woodstock to talk about big-picture issues facing women in the agricultural sector. Maternity leave issues, and their impact on a career, were the focus of this meeting. They… Read More

With back to school around the corner, some students (and their parents) will be wondering if the course selections they’ve made will help them reach their next destination. Well, if a job is on the wish list, consider this: Workopolis says among the most common skills requested by employers are communication, customer relations, and writing…. Read More

It’s a humid Chicago evening, and I’m here vacationing with my family, drooling over a deep-dish pizza at Pizano’s noisy outdoor patio near Millennium Park, down the street from what’s commonly called the bean. Rain swept through the area earlier, and now that sticky Great Lakes weather is all over us. Indeed, it’s summer at its best. I love… Read More

I hope you have time to take a look around at the agricultural landscape this holiday weekend, and celebrate Food Day Canada as we’ve known it over the past decade or so. Because in another 12 months, our nation’s agri-food culture could feel much different. Food Day Canada is described by its founder, culinary pioneer… Read More