For anyone that knows Shaun Haney, they know he’s someone who is constantly thinking and evaluating what is going on around him. What has he been thinking about this week? On this RealAg LIVE! we’ve got a special “Freestyle Friday” where Shaun has an interactive chat with the audience, mixed with clips on his topic… Read More
Category: Realag Live
How did one tweet change an entire conversation surrounding butter in this country? What role did social media play in this thing called #buttergate? What can we, as an industry, learn from one consumer-facing issue that literally went around the world? Guest host Lyndsey Smith is joined by digital media strategist Christina Crowley-Arklie for today’s… Read More
When your family is heavily involved with agriculture and politics, you’re sure to have some involvement in either of those areas; or for our guest today, a combination of the two. Alanna Koch, board chair for the Global Institute for Food Security and leader in agriculture, joins us for today’s RealAg LIVE! RealAg LIVE! streams… Read More
What would you think if your parents told you at 12 you’d be moving to another country on another continent? Well, today’s RealAg LIVE! guest embraced what that new country had to offer and ran with it. Joining our host Kara Oosterhuis, Jess Verstappen talks about what led her to a career in agriculture, the… Read More
If there was one piece of information you would have wanted in January of 2020, it might have been about COVID-19 transmission. But as of January 2021, the nugget of info that may mean the most for markets this year is if Chinese buying keeps pace or exceeds last year. There’s more at play in… Read More
If you’re on social media, chances are you’ve seen posts from Dickson Delorme, aka Quick Dick McDick (QDM). His YouTube videos cover his daily life on a grain and cattle farm, while bringing some humour and normality to some of the tougher topics out there. For this Friday edition of RealAg LIVE!, guest host Lyndsey… Read More
Aquaculture! It’s like farming except in the water, obviously, but not a lot of people know that aquaculture shares similar concerns with regular agriculture. It’s the farming of seafood, and it’s been going on in Canada since before confederation. On this RealAg LIVE! Kara Oosterhuis is joined by Cyr Couturier from the Marine Institute at… Read More
If there’s anyone that’s knowledgable and passionate about agriculture education, it’s Johanne Ross, of Agriculture in the Classroom Canada. For today’s RealAg LIVE! Ross joins Kara Oosterhuis for a chat about how AITC-C started, what its goals are, and where it’s going in the future. RealAg LIVE! streams every weekday at 3 pm E on… Read More
Alison Sunstrum was pushing for interconnectivity of farm data long before the internet was even commonplace. It’s that kind of foresight that has pushed Sunstrum to grow not only her own businesses, but also to act as mentor — and sometimes funder and partner — to several other upstarts and innovators in agriculture. In this… Read More
The vast majority of Canadian grain has to move to port before being exported, and overwhelmingly the majority of crop that heads west is moved by rail. Keeping tabs on how this complex, integrated logistics system works is Mark Hemmes, with Quorum Corp, Canada’s grain transportation monitor. For this episode of RealAg LIVE!, host Kelvin… Read More